Name And Describe Three Ways To Protect The Worlds Biodiversity

Name and describe three ways to protect the worlds biodiversity

Biodiversitymeans every single lifeform living here on Earth. It is an all encompassing term used to describe all living things. Protecting Earths biodiversity is the task of mankind as Earths msot advanced living creatures. Listed below are three ways we can protect our biodiversity.

  • Put an end to animal poaching. Poaching animals had been identified as one of the major factors why species go extinct. Since the dawn of the human civilization, we have been continuously hunting down animals unti the very last of them. Protection of wildlife calls for conservation of species and education to humans living near animal habitats. By doing so, we train people to care more for the living organisms around them.
  • Prevent habitat destruction. If we prevent destruction of habitat of animals, we help them thrive and reproduce. If they continue to reproduce, then there will be less worry on our part that they will one day be moving to another place, or worse, extinct.
  • Prevent climate change. We can prevent climate change by being responsible inhabitants of Earth. Climate change disrupt all kinds of habitats on Earth. The fast pace of the changing climate patterns make plants and animals unable to adapt or cope up, leaving them vulnerable to extinction.

For more information about biodiversity, please click the links below:


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