Theory Of Use And Disuse

Theory of use and disuse

This theory was made famous by the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. This is also known as Lamarcks theory of evolution. In this theory, it is said that the utilization of organisms by a certain body part or characteristic further improves it, while those that are unused are eliminated.

A big example of this theory is how giraffes got such long necks. It was theorized that thousands of years ago, giraffes used to have such short necks. But because the leaves that they eat are found on the higher branches, they repeatedly stretched their necks. The result is what we have today, giraffes with longs necks. On the other hand, snakes had to slither into such tight niches, which is why they eliminated their limbs.

For more information about theory of use and disuse or Lamarckism, you may click the links below:


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