Name and describe three ways to protect the worlds biodiversity Biodiversitymeans every single lifeform living here on Earth. It is an all encompassing term used to describe all living things. Protecting Earths biodiversity is the task of mankind as Earths msot advanced living creatures. Listed below are three ways we can protect our biodiversity. Put an end to animal poaching . Poaching animals had been identified as one of the major factors why species go extinct. Since the dawn of the human civilization, we have been continuously hunting down animals unti the very last of them. Protection of wildlife calls for conservation of species and education to humans living near animal habitats. By doing so, we train people to care more for the living organisms around them. Prevent habitat destruction . If we prevent destruction of habitat of animals, we help them thrive and reproduce. If they continue to reproduce, then there will be less worry on our part that they will one day be mo...
Complete the unfinished sentences. 2. The five dimensions of health are ____________________________________. Answer: The five dimensions of health are physical health , mental health , emotional health , social health , and moral-spiritual health . Explanation: Health is define as a state complete physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. FIVE DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH physical health mental health emotional health social health moral-spiritual health Physical health Includes the state of the body, its composition, development, functions, and maintenance. It is also associated with our physical needs for proper nutrition, activity, shelter, and protection from harm. Physical health is a requirement for wellness in the other dimensions of health. Mental health Refers to the knowledge and cognitive skills to improve one's quality of life. It is your ability to think for a solution for your problems, reason...
Theory of use and disuse This theory was made famous by the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. This is also known as Lamarcks theory of evolution . In this theory, it is said that the utilization of organisms by a certain body part or characteristic further improves it , while those that are unused are eliminated . A big example of this theory is how giraffes got such long necks. It was theorized that thousands of years ago, giraffes used to have such short necks. But because the leaves that they eat are found on the higher branches, they repeatedly stretched their necks. The result is what we have today, giraffes with longs necks. On the other hand, snakes had to slither into such tight niches, which is why they eliminated their limbs. For more information about theory of use and disuse or Lamarckism, you may click the links below:
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